1. Windows 7
2. КриптоПро CSP 4.0.9461 и КриптоПро ЭЦП Browser plug-in 2.0.2011
3. Усовершенствованная подпись (CAdES-X Long Type 1)
4. Лог возникновения ошибки
00000001 0.00000000 [15428] cades.dll: {15424} /CadesSignMessage/ cades.cpp(2259) : (pSignPara=0x0042F260, fDetachedSignature=0, cToBeSigned=1, rgpbToBeSigned=0x0042F270, rgcbToBeSigned=0x0042F26C, ppSignedBlob=0x0042F294)
00000002 0.10801200 [15428] cades.dll: {15424} /CadesSignMessageImpl/ cades.cpp(2135) : Signer updating start
00000003 0.10805647 [15428] cades.dll: {15424} /CadesSignMessageImpl/ cades.cpp(2138) : Hash algorithm deduced
00000004 0.10811995 [15428] cades.dll: {15424} /CadesMsgOpenToEncodeImplNamespace::SigningTimeAttributeExists/ cades.cpp(178) : (pAttr=0)
00000005 0.10816747 [15428] cades.dll: {15424} /CadesMsgOpenToEncodeImplNamespace::AttributeExists/ cades.cpp(160) : (pAttr=0)
00000006 0.10821726 [15428] cades.dll: {15424} /CadesMsgOpenToEncodeImplNamespace::UpdateSignedAttributes/ cades.cpp(400) : Attributes copied
00000007 0.10826325 [15428] cades.dll: {15424} /CadesMsgOpenToEncodeImplNamespace::UpdateSignedAttributes/ cades.cpp(403) : Signer does not have any of signing-certificate attributes
00000008 0.10917135 [15428] cades.dll: {15424} /CadesMsgOpenToEncodeImplNamespace::UpdateSignedAttributes/ cades.cpp(407) : signing-certificate(-v2) attribute assembled
00000009 0.10919149 [15428] cades.dll: {15424} /CadesMsgOpenToEncodeImplNamespace::UpdateSignedAttributes/ cades.cpp(411) : Signer does not have signingTime attribute
00000010 0.10930096 [15428] cades.dll: {15424} /CadesMsgOpenToEncodeImplNamespace::UpdateSignedAttributes/ cades.cpp(415) : signingTime attribute assembled
00000011 0.10934620 [15428] cades.dll: {15424} /CadesMsgOpenToEncodeImplNamespace::UpdateSignedAttributes/ cades.cpp(420) : Signer is updated successfully
00000012 0.10939638 [15428] cades.dll: {15424} /CadesMsgOpenToEncode/ cades.cpp(531) : (dwMsgEncodingType=0x00010001, dwFlags=0x00000000, pvMsgEncodeInfo=0x0042ECB8, pszInnerContentObjID=0, pStreamInfo=0x00000000)
00000013 0.10944047 [15428] cades.dll: {15424} /CadesMsgOpenToEncodeImpl/ cades.cpp(472) : Start
00000014 0.10948456 [15428] cades.dll: {15424} /CadesMsgOpenToEncodeImpl/ cades.cpp(476) : Input parameters checked
00000015 0.10952941 [15428] cades.dll: {15424} /CadesMsgOpenToEncodeImpl/ cades.cpp(492) : Copy of input structures is ready
00000016 0.10957427 [15428] cades.dll: {15424} /CadesMsgOpenToEncodeImpl/ cades.cpp(498) : Signers updating start
00000017 0.10961646 [15428] cades.dll: {15424} /CadesMsgOpenToEncodeImpl/ cades.cpp(503) : Signer #0
00000018 0.30831030 [15428] cades.dll: {15424} /CadesMsgOpenToEncodeImplNamespace::CheckAlgorithms/ cades.cpp(438) : Public key info is exported successfully
00000019 0.30838367 [15428] cades.dll: {15424} /CadesMsgOpenToEncodeImplNamespace::CheckAlgorithms/ cades.cpp(445) : Signature algoritm OID info is found: 1.2.643.2.2.3
00000020 0.30860299 [15428] cades.dll: {15424} /CadesMsgOpenToEncodeImpl/ cades.cpp(510) : Certificates equality checked
00000021 0.30865926 [15428] cades.dll: {15424} /CadesMsgOpenToEncodeImplNamespace::DeduceHashAlgorithm/ cades.cpp(136) : (szHashAlgorithm=1.2.643.2.2.9)
00000022 0.30870336 [15428] cades.dll: {15424} /CadesMsgOpenToEncodeImpl/ cades.cpp(512) : Hash algorithm deduced
00000023 0.30875087 [15428] cades.dll: {15424} /CadesMsgOpenToEncodeImplNamespace::SigningTimeAttributeExists/ cades.cpp(173) : (pAttr->pszObjId=1.2.840.113549.1.9.5)
00000024 0.30879685 [15428] cades.dll: {15424} /CadesMsgOpenToEncodeImplNamespace::AttributeExists/ cades.cpp(155) : (pAttr->pszObjId=1.2.840.113549.
00000025 0.30884209 [15428] cades.dll: {15424} /CadesMsgOpenToEncodeImpl/ cades.cpp(519) : Calling CryptMsgOpenToEncode()
00000026 0.30895954 [15428] cades.dll: {15424} /CadesMsgOpenToEncode/ cades.cpp(562) : (hMsg=0x0053E768, GetLastError=0x00000000)
00000027 3.81268930 [15428] cades.dll: {15424} /CadesMsgEnhanceSignature/ cades.cpp(1220) : (hCryptMsg=0x0053E768, dwSignatureIndex=0, pCadesSignPara=0x0042ECD0)
00000028 3.81302691 [15428] cades.dll: {15424} /CadesMsgEnhanceSignatureImpl/ cades.cpp(1073) : Input parameters checked
00000029 3.81307030 [15428] cades.dll: {15424} /CadesMsgEnhanceSignatureImpl/ cades.cpp(1077) : Signer certificate ID found
00000030 3.81340241 [15428] cades.dll: {15424} /CadesMsgEnhanceSignatureImpl/ cades.cpp(1092) : pSignerCert=0x00528188
00000031 3.81348658 [15428] cades.dll: {15424} /CadesMsgGetType/ CadesMsgGetType.cpp(135) : (hCryptMsg=0x0053E768, dwSignatureIndex=0, pdwCadesType=0x0042E598)
00000032 3.81352639 [15428] cades.dll: {15424} /CadesMsgGetType/ CadesMsgGetType.cpp(160) : (res=1, GetLastError=0x00000000
00000033 3.81358790 [15428] cades.dll: {15424} /CadesMsgEnhanceSignatureImpl/ cades.cpp(1134) : Hash algorithm deduced
00000034 3.81708837 [15428] cades.dll: {15424} /CadesMsgEnhanceSignatureImplNamespace::ExtractSignature/ cades.cpp(592) : Signature extracted via CMSG_ENCRYPTED_DIGEST
00000035 3.81714129 [15428] tspcli.dll: {15424} /CryptoPro::PKI::TSP::Client::CRequest::Impl::CheckPolicies/ TSPRequest_Impl.cpp(196) : Checking policies...
00000036 3.81718111 [15428] tspcli.dll: {15424} /CryptoPro::PKI::TSP::Client::CRequest::Impl::CheckPolicies/ TSPRequest_Impl.cpp(282) : Checking policies... OK.
00000037 3.81723404 [15428] tspcli.dll: {15424} /CryptoPro::PKI::TSP::Client::CRequest::Impl::MakeRequest/ TSPRequest_Impl.cpp(152) : Making request...
00000038 3.81738734 [15428] tspcli.dll: {15424} /CryptoPro::PKI::TSP::Client::CRequest::Impl::MakeRequest/ TSPRequest_Impl.cpp(172) : Initializing request...
00000039 3.81745768 [15428] tspcli.dll: {15424} /CryptoPro::PKI::TSP::Client::CRequest::Impl::MakeRequest/ TSPRequest_Impl.cpp(186) : Encoding request...
00000040 3.81750703 [15428] tspcli.dll: {15424} /CryptoPro::PKI::TSP::Client::CRequest::Impl::MakeRequest/ TSPRequest_Impl.cpp(190) : Making request... OK.
00000041 3.81754661 [15428] 11:28:37.662 ::WinHttpCrackUrl("http://testca.cryptopro.ru/tsp/", 0x0, 0x0, 0x42de70)
00000042 3.81777525 [15428] 11:28:37.662 ::WinHttpCrackUrl() returning TRUE
00000043 3.81788898 [15428] 11:28:37.663 ::WinHttpOpen("Crypto-Pro tspcli.dll", WINHTTP_ACCESS_TYPE_NO_PROXY (1), "", "", 0x0)
00000044 3.81794715 [15428] 11:28:37.663 ::winhttp-dll added a reference to winhttp.dll (via LoadLibrary() call)
00000045 3.81798363 [15428] 11:28:37.663 ::thread-pool created
00000046 3.81803036 [15428] 11:28:37.663 ::thread pool initialized successfully
00000047 3.81808400 [15428] 11:28:37.663 ::_SvcsStartup() succeeded; async-count = 1
00000048 3.81812119 [15428] 11:28:37.663 ::WinHttpOpen() returning handle 0x567160
00000049 3.81815743 [15428] 11:28:37.663 ::WinHttpCrackUrl("", 0x0, 0x0, 0x42de34)
00000050 3.81819725 [15428] 11:28:37.663 ::WinHttpCrackUrl() returning TRUE
00000051 3.81823707 [15428] 11:28:37.663 ::WinHttpSetOption(0x567160, WINHTTP_OPTION_PROXY (38), 0x42debc [0x3], 12)
00000052 3.81827331 [15428] 11:28:37.663 ::WinHttpSetOption() returning TRUE
00000053 3.81831884 [15428] 11:28:37.663 ::WinHttpConnect(0x567160, "testca.cryptopro.ru", 80, 0x0)
00000054 3.81835246 [15428] 11:28:37.663 ::Indicate Status 0x567248, 0x0, WINHTTP_CALLBACK_STATUS_HANDLE_CREATED (1024), 0x42dd68 [0x567248], 4
00000055 3.81838846 [15428] 11:28:37.663 ::WinHttpConnect() returning handle 0x567248
00000056 3.81842685 [15428] 11:28:37.663 ::WinHttpOpenRequest(0x567248, "POST", "tsp/", "", "", 0x0, 0x00000000)
00000057 3.81846380 [15428] 11:28:37.663 ::Indicate Status 0x51f068, 0x0, WINHTTP_CALLBACK_STATUS_HANDLE_CREATED (1024), 0x42dd1c [0x51f068], 4
00000058 3.81849766 [15428] 11:28:37.663 ::WinHttpCreateUrl(0x42dcb8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x42dd08)
00000059 3.81853127 [15428] 11:28:37.663 :: WinHttpCreateUrl(); URL = (null), URL Length = 0
00000060 3.81856608 [15428] 11:28:37.663 :: WinHttpCreateUrl: error 122 [ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER]
00000061 3.81860065 [15428] 11:28:37.663 ::WinHttpCreateUrl() returning FALSE
00000062 3.81863475 [15428] 11:28:37.664 ::WinHttpCreateUrl(0x42dcb8, 0x0, 0x525bb0, 0x42dd08)
00000063 3.81866741 [15428] 11:28:37.664 :: WinHttpCreateUrl(); URL =
http://testca.cryptopro.ru/tsp/, URL Length = 31
00000064 3.81871462 [15428] 11:28:37.664 ::WinHttpCreateUrl() returning TRUE
00000065 3.81875038 [15428] 11:28:37.664 ::WinHttpOpenRequest() returning handle 0x51f068
00000066 3.81878376 [15428] 11:28:37.664 ::WinHttpSetOption(0x51f068, WINHTTP_OPTION_AUTOLOGON_POLICY (77), 0x42defc [0x2], 4)
00000067 3.81882095 [15428] 11:28:37.664 ::WinHttpSetOption() returning TRUE
00000068 3.81885743 [15428] 11:28:37.664 ::WinHttpSendRequest(0x51f068, "Content-type: application/timestamp-query", -1, 0x5503bd0, 64, 64, 0)
00000069 3.81889820 [15428] 11:28:37.664 ::WinHttpAddRequestHeaders(0x51f068, "Content-type: application/timestamp-query", 41, 0x20000000)
00000070 3.81894946 [15428] 11:28:37.664 ::WinHttpAddRequestHeaders() returning TRUE
00000071 3.81912088 [15428] 11:28:37.664 ::usr-req 052C2088 transitioning from state _READY to state _SENDING_RECVING
00000072 3.81916308 [15428] 11:28:37.664 ::sys-req added the 'Content-Length: 64' header
00000073 3.81919670 [15428] 11:28:37.664 ::sys-req updates BytesToSend to 0
00000074 3.81923079 [15428] 11:28:37.664 ::sys-req transitioning from state _INIT to state _SENDING
00000075 3.81926394 [15428] 11:28:37.664 ::current thread is not impersonating
00000076 3.81929779 [15428] 11:28:37.664 ::sys-sender calling HttpSendHttpRequest(overlapped = 005655C8)
00000077 3.81934905 [15428] 11:28:37.664 ::sys-sender transitioning from state _INIT to state _SENDING
00000078 3.81939268 [15428] 11:28:37.664 ::usr-req 052C2088 received OnDnsResolvingName callback
00000079 3.81942654 [15428] 11:28:37.664 ::sys-req pends send-request
00000080 3.81943870 [15428] 11:28:37.664 ::usr-req 052C2088 blocks waiting for async to complete...
00000081 3.82010460 [15428] 11:28:37.665 ::usr-req 052C2088 received OnDnsNameResolved callback
00000082 3.82022095 [15428] 11:28:37.665 ::usr-req 052C2088 received OnTcpConnecting callback
00000083 3.82044029 [15428] 11:28:37.665 ::usr-req 052C2088 received OnTcpConnected callback
00000084 3.82052898 [15428] 11:28:37.665 ::usr-req 052C2088 received OnSendingRequest callback
00000085 3.82094693 [15428] 11:28:37.666 ::usr-req 052C2088 received OnRequestSent callback
00000086 3.84632444 [15428] 11:28:37.691 :: <c-b> an async I/O operation completes (overlapped = 005655C8, #bytes/info = 0, error = ERROR_SUCCESS (0))
00000087 3.84637356 [15428] 11:28:37.691 ::sys-sender processing HttpSendHttpRequest completion (error-cdoe = ERROR_SUCCESS (0x0), #bytes = 0, overlapped = 005655C8)
00000088 3.84639835 [15428] 11:28:37.691 ::sys-sender sent a request successfully
00000089 3.84642410 [15428] 11:28:37.691 ::sys-req completing a send-request call (error = ERROR_SUCCESS (0))
00000090 3.84644961 [15428] 11:28:37.691 ::usr-req 052C2088 received OnSendRequest callback; error = ERROR_SUCCESS (0)
00000091 3.84647632 [15428] 11:28:37.691 ::usr-req 052C2088 signals sync caller 00535970 (api = 5, error = ERROR_SUCCESS (0), # bytes = 64)
00000092 3.84655309 [15428] 11:28:37.691 ::... async completed (result = ERROR_SUCCESS (0)); usr-req unblocked
00000093 3.84659481 [15428] 11:28:37.691 ::WinHttpSendRequest() returning TRUE
00000094 3.84667587 [15428] 11:28:37.692 ::WinHttpReceiveResponse(0x51f068, 0x0)
00000095 3.84670353 [15428] 11:28:37.692 ::sys-recver starts in _INIT state
00000096 3.84672260 [15428] 11:28:37.692 ::current thread is not impersonating
00000097 3.84676695 [15428] 11:28:37.692 ::sys-recver processing WebReceiveHttpResponse completion (error-cdoe = ERROR_SUCCESS (0x0), overlapped = 005655C8))
00000098 3.84687114 [15428] 11:28:37.692 ::sys-recver has received response from WebIO
00000099 3.84691525 [15428] 11:28:37.692 ::sys-recver returning ERROR_SUCCESS (0) from RecvResponse()
00000100 3.84694910 [15428] 11:28:37.692 ::sys-req completes recv-headers inline (sync); error = ERROR_SUCCESS (0)
00000101 3.84698176 [15428] 11:28:37.692 ::usr-req 052C2088 recved final status code 400
00000102 3.84701586 [15428] 11:28:37.692 ::usr-req 052C2088 transitioning from state _SENDING_RECVING to state _HEADERS_RECVED
00000103 3.84705400 [15428] 11:28:37.692 ::WinHttpReceiveResponse() returning TRUE
00000104 3.84708905 [15428] 11:28:37.692 ::WinHttpQueryHeaders(0x51f068, HTTP_QUERY_STATUS_CODE (0x20000013), "<null>", 0x5524dd8, 0x42def0 [4], 0x0 [0])
00000105 3.84712172 [15428] 11:28:37.692 :: WinHttpQueryHeaders(); Header = ?, Buffer Length = 4, Index = 0
00000106 3.84715652 [15428] 11:28:37.692 ::WinHttpQueryHeaders() returning TRUE
00000107 3.84718966 [15428] 11:28:37.692 ::WinHttpQueryAuthSchemes(0x51f068, 0x42def4, 0x42ded8)
00000108 3.84722304 [15428] 11:28:37.692 :: Supported Schemes = 0x0; First Scheme = 0x0; Auth Target = 0x0
00000109 3.84725738 [15428] 11:28:37.692 :: WinHttpQueryAuthSchemes: error 4317 [0x10dd]
00000110 3.84729242 [15428] 11:28:37.692 ::WinHttpQueryAuthSchemes() returning FALSE
00000111 3.84732533 [15428] 11:28:37.692 ::WinHttpCloseHandle(0x51f068)
00000112 3.84735775 [15428] 11:28:37.692 ::usr-req 052C2088 releases sys-req 0053E890
00000113 3.84739256 [15428] 11:28:37.692 ::sys-req calling WebCancelHttpRequest
00000114 3.84749222 [15428] 11:28:37.692 ::sys-req WebCancelHttpRequest completed with ERROR_SUCCESS (0)
00000115 3.84753370 [15428] 11:28:37.692 ::usr-req 052C2088 is shutting down
00000116 3.84756827 [15428] 11:28:37.692 ::Indicate Status 0x51f068, 0x0, WINHTTP_CALLBACK_STATUS_HANDLE_CLOSING (2048), 0x42dd54 [0x51f068], 4
00000117 3.84760213 [15428] 11:28:37.692 ::WinHttpCloseHandle() returning TRUE
00000118 3.84763598 [15428] 11:28:37.693 ::WinHttpCloseHandle(0x567248)
00000119 3.84766793 [15428] 11:28:37.693 ::Indicate Status 0x567248, 0x0, WINHTTP_CALLBACK_STATUS_HANDLE_CLOSING (2048), 0x42dd54 [0x567248], 4
00000120 3.84770894 [15428] 11:28:37.693 ::WinHttpCloseHandle() returning TRUE
00000121 3.84780288 [15428] tspcli.dll: {15424} /CryptoPro::PKI::TSP::Client::CRequest::Send/ TSPRequest.cpp(161) : HTTP STATUS: 400
00000122 3.84784245 [15428] 11:28:37.693 ::WinHttpCloseHandle(0x567160)
00000123 3.84789562 [15428] 11:28:37.693 ::winhttp-dll is shutting down
00000124 3.84792948 [15428] 11:28:37.693 ::Indicate Status 0x567160, 0x0, WINHTTP_CALLBACK_STATUS_HANDLE_CLOSING (2048), 0x42d5e0 [0x567160], 4
00000125 3.84799123 [15428] 11:28:37.693 ::WinHttpCloseHandle() returning TRUE
00000126 3.84802866 [15428] cades.dll: {15424} /CadesMsgEnhanceSignature/ cades.cpp(1230) : CAtlException, m_hr=0xc2100100
00000127 3.84806466 [15428] cades.dll: {15424} /CadesMsgEnhanceSignature/ cades.cpp(1249) : (res=0, GetLastError=0xc2100100
00000128 3.84810114 [15428] cades.dll: {15424} /CadesSignMessageImpl/ cades.cpp(2232) : Expression FAILED: ::CadesMsgEnhanceSignature(msgDecode.GetHandle(), 0, &cadesSignPara)
00000129 3.84819770 [15428] cades.dll: {15424} /CadesSignMessageImpl/ cades.cpp(2232) : Last win32 error thrown as exception
00000130 3.84877324 [15428] cades.dll: {15424} /CadesSignMessage/ cades.cpp(2279) : COleException, m_sc=0xc2100100
00000131 3.84885144 [15428] cades.dll: {15424} /CadesSignMessage/ cades.cpp(2291) : (res=0, GetLastError=0xc2100100
На машине используется прокси-сервер. На другой машине, не использующей прокси-сервер, все работает замечательно.
, однако была настроена локальная групповая политика для прокси-сервера. Теперь же это