00000001 0.00000000 [2696] rmt Name resolution: register property PR_REMOTE_MANAGER_PROP
00000002 0.00021549 [2696]
00000003 0.00043571 [2696] rmt Name resolution: find property PR_REMOTE_MANAGER_PROP, 12582912
00000004 0.00064790 [2696]
00000005 0.00117671 [2696] rmt Name resolution: property found, id 0x50C7FB3C
00000006 0.00143520 [2696]
00000007 0.00228017 [2696] rmt Name resolution: property registered successfully, id 0x50C7FB3C
00000008 0.00258828 [2696]
00000009 0.00291719 [2696] rmt Name resolution: register property cpnPRAGUE_REMOTE_API
00000010 0.00332172 [2696]
00000011 0.00363031 [2696] rmt Name resolution: find property cpnPRAGUE_REMOTE_API, 12582912
00000012 0.00374373 [2696]
00000013 0.00498565 [2696] rmt Name resolution: property found, id 0x50CFE72A
00000014 0.00518082 [2696]
00000015 0.00600499 [2696] rmt Name resolution: property registered successfully, id 0x50CFE72A
00000016 0.00622284 [2696]
00000017 14.80246544 [4012] .\Externs.cpp(33) : /Init/
00000018 14.81624413 [4012] .\CPSettings.cpp(193) : /Init/
00000019 14.81974983 [4012] cades.dll: hInstance=6E000000
00000020 14.83256435 [4012] .\Externs.cpp(33) : /Init/
00000021 14.83283520 [4012] .\CPSettings.cpp(193) : /Init/
00000022 23.69635201 [4012] cades.dll: (pSignPara=0x0020EDC4, fDetachedSignature=0, cToBeSigned=1, rgpbToBeSigned=0x0020EDD0, rgcbToBeSigned=0x0020EDD4, ppSignedBlob=0x0020EDF0)
00000023 23.72087669 [4012] cpcspi: Thread: file:line function text xcode(dcode) level: 0
00000024 23.72150230 [4012] cpcsp: Thread: file:line text level: 0
00000025 23.73461342 [4012] cpui: Thread: file:line function text xcode(dcode) level: 0
00000026 23.75934982 [4012] cprdr: Thread: file:line function text xcode(dcode) level: 0
00000027 24.36768150 [4012] cades.dll: Signer updating start
00000028 24.36845207 [4012] cades.dll: Hash algorithm deduced
00000029 24.36858368 [4012] cades.dll: (pAttr=0)
00000030 24.36865234 [4012] cades.dll: Signer does not have any of signing-certificate attributes
00000031 24.36873627 [4012] cades.dll: Attributes copied
00000032 24.61839676 [4012] cades.dll: signing-certificate(-v2) attribute assembled
00000033 24.61855698 [4012] cades.dll: Signer is updated successfully
00000034 24.61868668 [4012] cades.dll: (dwMsgEncodingType=0x00010001, dwFlags=0x00000000, pvMsgEncodeInfo=0x0020E6E4, pszInnerContentObjID=0, pStreamInfo=0x00000000)
00000035 24.61881065 [4012] cades.dll: Start
00000036 24.61891556 [4012] cades.dll: Input parameters checked
00000037 24.61903381 [4012] cades.dll: Copy of input structures is ready
00000038 24.61915970 [4012] cades.dll: Signers updating start
00000039 24.61926460 [4012] cades.dll: Signer #0
00000040 25.38665009 [4012] cpext: Thread: file:line function text xcode(dcode) level: 0
00000041 25.38745499 [4012] cades.dll: Public key info is exported successfully
00000042 25.38752747 [4012] cades.dll: Signature algoritm OID info is found: 1.2.643.2.2.3
00000043 25.38773727 [4012] cades.dll: Certificates equality checked
00000044 25.38780785 [4012] cades.dll: (szHashAlgorithm=1.2.643.2.2.9)
00000045 25.38787270 [4012] cades.dll: Hash algorithm deduced
00000046 25.38793755 [4012] cades.dll: (pAttr->pszObjId=1.2.840.113549.
00000047 25.38800430 [4012] cades.dll: Calling CryptMsgOpenToEncode()
00000048 25.41619110 [4012] cpcng: Thread: file:line function text xcode(dcode) level: 0
00000049 25.41723061 [4012] cades.dll: (hMsg=0x0027A380, GetLastError=0x00000000)
00000050 26.40745926 [4012] cades.dll: (hCryptMsg=0x0027A380, dwSignatureIndex=0, pCadesSignPara=0x0020E6FC)
00000051 26.40750694 [4012] cades.dll: Input parameters checked
00000052 26.42995644 [4012] cades.dll: Signer certificate ID found
00000053 26.43009567 [4012] cades.dll: pSignerCert=0x00264E20
00000054 26.43511009 [4012] cades.dll: (hCryptMsg=0x0027A380, dwSignatureIndex=0, pdwCadesType=0x0020DFC8)
00000055 26.43532181 [4012] cades.dll: (res=1, GetLastError=0x00000000
00000056 26.43543053 [4012] cades.dll: Hash algorithm deduced
00000057 26.44546127 [4012] cades.dll: Signature extracted via CMSG_ENCRYPTED_DIGEST
00000058 26.52336121 [4012] .\Externs.cpp(33) : /Init/
00000059 26.52361870 [4012] .\CPSettings.cpp(193) : /Init/
00000060 26.73171997 [4012] 11:41:24.480 ::WinHttpOpen("Crypto-Pro tspcli.dll", WINHTTP_ACCESS_TYPE_NO_PROXY (1), "", "", 0x0)
00000061 26.73184586 [4012] 11:41:24.480 ::winhttp-dll added a reference to winhttp.dll (via LoadLibrary() call)
00000062 26.73697090 [4012] 11:41:24.485 ::thread-pool created
00000063 26.73712921 [4012] 11:41:24.485 ::thread pool initialized successfully
00000064 26.73723793 [4012] 11:41:24.485 ::_SvcsStartup() succeeded; async-count = 1
00000065 26.73726845 [4012] 11:41:24.485 ::WinHttpOpen() returning handle 0x288e98
00000066 26.73734665 [4012] 11:41:24.485 ::WinHttpGetIEProxyConfigForCurrentUser(0x20d834)
00000067 26.74549866 [4012] 11:41:24.493 ::_SvcsStartup() succeeded; async-count = 2
00000068 26.74556160 [4012] 11:41:24.494 ::current thread is not impersonating
00000069 26.75335884 [4012] 11:41:24.501 ::WPAD: Getting Gateway MACs from Adapter: {6bea03c7-bf21-4bcf-bb62-58a3c52e676f}
00000070 26.75395966 [4012] 11:41:24.502 ::NextHop.State: 5
00000071 26.75404358 [4012] 11:41:24.502 ::WPAD: Checking Gateway MAC 00-1e-8c-84-04-f7
00000072 26.75415421 [4012] 11:41:24.502 ::Identifying Network, using GWMac
00000073 26.75422668 [4012] 11:41:24.502 ::SWPAD lookup key: 00-1e-8c-84-04-f7
00000074 26.75436401 [4012] 11:41:24.502 ::SWPAD Decision: 2, (0) OFF, (1) ON, (2) UNKNOWN (3) OFF_NEED_BROWSE
00000075 26.75458145 [4012] 11:41:24.503 ::WinHttpGetIEProxyConfigForCurrentUser() returning TRUE
00000076 26.75467873 [4012] 11:41:24.503 ::WinHttpGetProxyForUrl(0x288e98, "http://cryptopro.ru", 0x20d80c, 0x20d824)
00000077 26.77854729 [4012] 11:41:24.526 ::DHCP WPAD: Adapter Pass: [#13] Adapter name={6BEA03C7-BF21-4BCF-BB62-58A3C52E676F}, description=Êîíòðîëëåð Marvell Yukon 88E8053 PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet
00000078 26.77854729 [4012]
00000079 26.77870178 [4012] 11:41:24.527 ::DHCP WPAD: Adapter Pass: [#11] Adapter name={E36E1AC0-27B2-4034-A6B3-959338226BEE}, description=Ñåòåâîå ïîäêëþ÷åíèå Intel(R) PRO/Wireless 3945ABG
00000080 26.77870178 [4012]
00000081 26.77881050 [4012] 11:41:24.527 ::DHCP WPAD: Adapter Pass: [#1] Adapter name={E29AC6C2-7037-11DE-816D-806E6F6E6963}, description=Software Loopback Interface 1
00000082 26.77881050 [4012]
00000083 26.77891541 [4012] 11:41:24.527 ::DHCP WPAD: Adapter Pass: [#27] Adapter name={CAEF1B43-422E-49FA-A37F-17B430689A22}, description=Àäàïòåð Microsoft ISATAP #2
00000084 26.77891541 [4012]
00000085 26.77903366 [4012] 11:41:24.527 ::DHCP WPAD: Adapter Pass: [#29] Adapter name={2C2930EC-283C-4513-918C-7E1F8A602E36}, description=Àäàïòåð Microsoft ISATAP #3
00000086 26.77903366 [4012]
00000087 26.77913475 [4012] 11:41:24.527 ::DHCP WPAD: Adapter Pass: [#28] Adapter name={FBE2BC52-6A33-42DB-8494-3E003D32B87E}, description=Teredo Tunneling Pseudo-Interface
00000088 26.77913475 [4012]
00000089 26.77927971 [4012] 11:41:24.527 ::DNS WPAD: Looking up wpad
00000090 29.35047722 [4012] 11:41:27.098 ::DNS WPAD: getaddrinfo FAILED with Error: 2afc
00000091 29.35052872 [4012] 11:41:27.098 ::WinHttpGetProxyForUrl() returning FALSE
00000092 29.35062790 [4012] 11:41:27.098 :: WinHttpGetProxyForUrl: error 12180 [0x2f94]
00000093 29.35070992 [4012] 11:41:27.099 ::WinHttpConnect(0x288e98, "cryptopro.ru", 80, 0x0)
00000094 29.35080338 [4012] 11:41:27.099 ::Indicate Status 0x288f80, 0x0, WINHTTP_CALLBACK_STATUS_HANDLE_CREATED (1024), 0x20d7c0 [0x288f80], 4
00000095 29.35087204 [4012] 11:41:27.099 ::WinHttpConnect() returning handle 0x288f80
00000096 29.35093880 [4012] 11:41:27.099 ::WinHttpOpenRequest(0x288f80, "POST", "tsp/", "", "", 0x0, 0x00000000)
00000097 29.35101891 [4012] 11:41:27.099 ::Indicate Status 0x2a1070, 0x0, WINHTTP_CALLBACK_STATUS_HANDLE_CREATED (1024), 0x20d774 [0x2a1070], 4
00000098 29.35109329 [4012] 11:41:27.099 ::WinHttpCreateUrl(0x20d710, 0x0, 0x0, 0x20d760)
00000099 29.35116196 [4012] 11:41:27.099 :: WinHttpCreateUrl(); URL = (null), URL Length = 0
00000100 29.35122681 [4012] 11:41:27.099 :: WinHttpCreateUrl: error 122 [ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER]
00000101 29.35129166 [4012] 11:41:27.099 ::WinHttpCreateUrl() returning FALSE
00000102 29.35135460 [4012] 11:41:27.099 ::WinHttpCreateUrl(0x20d710, 0x0, 0x278ac8, 0x20d760)
00000103 29.35142326 [4012] 11:41:27.099 :: WinHttpCreateUrl(); URL =
http://cryptopro.ru/tsp/, URL Length = 24
00000104 29.35148430 [4012] 11:41:27.099 ::WinHttpCreateUrl() returning TRUE
00000105 29.35157776 [4012] 11:41:27.099 ::WinHttpOpenRequest() returning handle 0x2a1070
00000106 29.35176277 [4012] 11:41:27.100 ::WinHttpSetOption(0x2a1070, WINHTTP_OPTION_AUTOLOGON_POLICY (77), 0x20da50 [0x2], 4)
00000107 29.35183334 [4012] 11:41:27.100 ::WinHttpSetOption() returning TRUE
00000108 29.35191154 [4012] 11:41:27.100 ::WinHttpSendRequest(0x2a1070, "Content-type: application/timestamp-query", -1, 0xadd150, 64, 64, 0)
00000109 29.35197830 [4012] 11:41:27.100 ::WinHttpAddRequestHeaders(0x2a1070, "Content-type: application/timestamp-query", 41, 0x20000000)
00000110 29.35206604 [4012] 11:41:27.100 ::WinHttpAddRequestHeaders() returning TRUE
00000111 29.35219002 [4012] 11:41:27.100 ::usr-req 002A1310 transitioning from state _READY to state _SENDING_RECVING
00000112 29.35228920 [4012] 11:41:27.100 ::sys-req added the 'Content-Length: 64' header
00000113 29.35236740 [4012] 11:41:27.100 ::sys-req updates BytesToSend to 0
00000114 29.35244751 [4012] 11:41:27.100 ::sys-req transitioning from state _INIT to state _SENDING
00000115 29.35251808 [4012] 11:41:27.100 ::current thread is not impersonating
00000116 29.35260391 [4012] 11:41:27.100 ::sys-sender calling HttpSendHttpRequest(overlapped = 0028E1B0)
00000117 29.35268021 [4012] 11:41:27.101 ::sys-sender transitioning from state _INIT to state _SENDING
00000118 29.35279846 [4012] 11:41:27.101 ::usr-req 002A1310 received OnDnsResolvingName callback
00000119 29.35287666 [4012] 11:41:27.101 ::sys-req pends send-request
00000120 29.35294342 [4012] 11:41:27.101 ::usr-req 002A1310 blocks waiting for async to complete...
00000121 29.61991310 [4012] 11:41:27.127 ::usr-req 002A1310 received OnDnsNameResolved callback
00000122 29.67159271 [4012] 11:41:27.127 ::usr-req 002A1310 received OnTcpConnecting callback
00000123 29.67416191 [4012] 11:41:27.420 ::usr-req 002A1310 received OnSendingRequest callback
00000124 29.73018074 [4012] 11:41:27.420 ::usr-req 002A1310 received OnRequestSent callback
00000125 29.85860634 [4012] 11:41:27.606 :: <c-b> an async I/O operation completes (overlapped = 0028E1B0, #bytes/info = 0, error = ERROR_SUCCESS (0))
00000126 29.85872459 [4012] 11:41:27.606 ::sys-sender processing HttpSendHttpRequest completion (error-cdoe = ERROR_SUCCESS (0x0), #bytes = 0, overlapped = 0028E1B0)
00000127 29.85877800 [4012] 11:41:27.607 ::sys-sender sent a request successfully
00000128 29.85884666 [4012] 11:41:27.607 ::sys-req completing a send-request call (error = ERROR_SUCCESS (0))
00000129 29.85890961 [4012] 11:41:27.607 ::usr-req 002A1310 received OnSendRequest callback; error = ERROR_SUCCESS (0)
00000130 29.85897827 [4012] 11:41:27.607 ::usr-req 002A1310 signals sync caller 00281268 (api = 5, error = ERROR_SUCCESS (0), # bytes = 64)
00000131 29.85931778 [4012] 11:41:27.607 ::... async completed (result = ERROR_SUCCESS (0)); usr-req unblocked
00000132 29.85943222 [4012] 11:41:27.607 ::WinHttpSendRequest() returning TRUE
00000133 29.85955048 [4012] 11:41:27.607 ::WinHttpReceiveResponse(0x2a1070, 0x0)
00000134 29.85980225 [4012] 11:41:27.607 ::sys-recver starts in _INIT state
00000135 29.85991096 [4012] 11:41:27.608 ::current thread is not impersonating
00000136 29.86004448 [4012] 11:41:27.608 ::sys-recver processing WebReceiveHttpResponse completion (error-cdoe = ERROR_SUCCESS (0x0), overlapped = 0028E1B0))
00000137 29.86014748 [4012] 11:41:27.608 ::sys-recver has received response from WebIO
00000138 29.86024666 [4012] 11:41:27.608 ::sys-recver returning ERROR_SUCCESS (0) from RecvResponse()
00000139 29.86037254 [4012] 11:41:27.608 ::sys-req completes recv-headers inline (sync); error = ERROR_SUCCESS (0)
00000140 29.86049461 [4012] 11:41:27.608 ::usr-req 002A1310 recved final status code 200
00000141 29.86059570 [4012] 11:41:27.608 ::usr-req 002A1310 transitioning from state _SENDING_RECVING to state _HEADERS_RECVED
00000142 29.86070633 [4012] 11:41:27.609 ::WinHttpReceiveResponse() returning TRUE
00000143 29.86081886 [4012] 11:41:27.609 ::WinHttpQueryHeaders(0x2a1070, HTTP_QUERY_STATUS_CODE (0x20000013), "<null>", 0xaebe48, 0x20da44 [4], 0x0 [0])
00000144 29.86092567 [4012] 11:41:27.609 :: WinHttpQueryHeaders(); Header = E, Buffer Length = 4, Index = 0
00000145 29.86102676 [4012] 11:41:27.609 ::WinHttpQueryHeaders() returning TRUE
00000146 30.09733391 [4012] 11:41:27.617 ::WinHttpQueryAuthSchemes(0x2a1070, 0x20da48, 0x20da2c)
00000147 30.19126129 [4012] 11:41:27.617 :: Supported Schemes = 0x0; First Scheme = 0x0; Auth Target = 0x0
00000148 30.19927216 [4012] 11:41:27.845 :: WinHttpQueryAuthSchemes: error 4317 [0x10dd]
00000149 30.19953918 [4012] 11:41:27.947 ::WinHttpQueryAuthSchemes() returning FALSE
00000150 30.19975281 [4012] 11:41:27.948 ::WinHttpReadData(0x2a1070, 0xaf3fa8, 65536, 0x20da44)
00000151 30.19987679 [4012] 11:41:27.948 ::usr-req 002A1310 issuing read-data call 00281268 (buffer = 00AF3FA8, bufsize = 65536, filled size = 0, toRead = 65536)
00000152 30.19999123 [4012] 11:41:27.948 ::current thread is not impersonating
00000153 30.20009041 [4012] 11:41:27.948 ::sys-recver calling WebReceiveHttpResponseEntity(overlapped = 0026B508, buffer-size = 65536)
00000154 30.20019150 [4012] 11:41:27.948 ::sys-recver transitioning from state _HEADERS_RECVED to state _READING_DATA
00000155 30.20031166 [4012] 11:41:27.948 :: <c-b> an async I/O operation completes (overlapped = 0026B508, #bytes/info = 2623, error = ERROR_SUCCESS (0))
00000156 30.20042419 [4012] 11:41:27.948 ::sys-req pends read-data
00000157 30.20052910 [4012] 11:41:27.948 ::usr-req 002A1310 blocks waiting for async to complete...
00000158 30.20508194 [4012] 11:41:27.952 ::sys-recver processing WebReceiveHttpResponseEntity completion (error-cdoe = ERROR_SUCCESS (0x0), #bytes = 2623, overlapped = 0026B508)
00000159 30.20514107 [4012] 11:41:27.953 ::sys-req completes read-data successfully; # bytes transferred = 2623
00000160 30.20519638 [4012] 11:41:27.953 ::sys-req completing a read-data call (error = ERROR_SUCCESS (0), cbRead = 2623)
00000161 30.20529175 [4012] 11:41:27.953 ::usr-req 002A1310 received OnReadData() callback; error = ERROR_SUCCESS (0), ulNumberOfBytesTransferred = 2623, dwptrContext = 00281268
00000162 30.20535660 [4012] 11:41:27.953 ::usr-req 002A1310 completing (async) sys::read-data (buffer = 00AF3FA8, bufsize = 65536, filled size = 0)
00000163 30.20542336 [4012] 11:41:27.953 ::... async completed (result = ERROR_SUCCESS (0)); usr-req unblocked
00000164 30.20548820 [4012] 11:41:27.953 :: WinHttpReadData() Bytes Read = 2623
00000165 30.20556641 [4012] 11:41:27.953 ::WinHttpReadData() returning TRUE
00000166 30.20567131 [4012] 11:41:27.953 ::WinHttpReadData(0x2a1070, 0xaf3fa8, 65536, 0x20da44)
00000167 30.20579338 [4012] 11:41:27.954 ::usr-req 002A1310 issuing read-data call 002813D0 (buffer = 00AF3FA8, bufsize = 65536, filled size = 0, toRead = 65536)
00000168 30.20582390 [4012] 11:41:27.954 ::current thread is not impersonating
00000169 30.20587540 [4012] 11:41:27.954 ::sys-recver calling WebReceiveHttpResponseEntity(overlapped = 0026B508, buffer-size = 65536)
00000170 30.20593643 [4012] 11:41:27.954 ::sys-recver transitioning from state _READING_DATA to state _READING_DATA
00000171 30.20600891 [4012] 11:41:27.954 :: <c-b> an async I/O operation completes (overlapped = 0026B508, #bytes/info = 0, error = ERROR_HANDLE_EOF (38))
00000172 30.20607567 [4012] 11:41:27.954 ::sys-req pends read-data
00000173 30.20613861 [4012] 11:41:27.954 ::usr-req 002A1310 blocks waiting for async to complete...
00000174 30.20629311 [4012] 11:41:27.954 ::sys-recver processing WebReceiveHttpResponseEntity completion (error-cdoe = ERROR_HANDLE_EOF (0x26), #bytes = 0, overlapped = 0026B508)
00000175 30.20635796 [4012] 11:41:27.954 ::sys-recver detected EOF; all data has been read
00000176 30.20642662 [4012] 11:41:27.954 ::sys-req completes read-data successfully; # bytes transferred = 0
00000177 30.20649338 [4012] 11:41:27.954 ::sys-req shutting down; End-Of-File reached for read-data
00000178 30.20656204 [4012] 11:41:27.954 ::sys-req completing a read-data call (error = ERROR_SUCCESS (0), cbRead = 0)
00000179 30.20663071 [4012] 11:41:27.954 ::usr-req 002A1310 received OnReadData() callback; error = ERROR_SUCCESS (0), ulNumberOfBytesTransferred = 0, dwptrContext = 002813D0
00000180 30.20669937 [4012] 11:41:27.955 ::usr-req 002A1310 completing (async) sys::read-data (buffer = 00AF3FA8, bufsize = 65536, filled size = 0)
00000181 30.20676994 [4012] 11:41:27.955 ::usr-req 002A1310 signals sync caller 002813D0 (api = 3, error = ERROR_SUCCESS (0), # bytes = 0)
00000182 30.20684242 [4012] 11:41:27.955 ::... async completed (result = ERROR_SUCCESS (0)); usr-req unblocked
00000183 30.20691299 [4012] 11:41:27.955 :: WinHttpReadData() Bytes Read = 0
00000184 30.20698738 [4012] 11:41:27.955 ::WinHttpReadData() returning TRUE
00000185 30.20707130 [4012] 11:41:27.955 ::WinHttpCloseHandle(0x2a1070)
00000186 30.20714569 [4012] 11:41:27.955 ::usr-req 002A1310 releases sys-req 002AFF08
00000187 30.20721817 [4012] 11:41:27.955 ::sys-req failed to cancel the request; the object is already shutting down
00000188 30.20728683 [4012] 11:41:27.955 ::usr-req 002A1310 is shutting down
00000189 30.20735359 [4012] 11:41:27.955 ::WinHttpCloseHandle() returning TRUE
00000190 30.20742416 [4012] 11:41:27.955 ::WinHttpCloseHandle(0x288f80)
00000191 30.20749855 [4012] 11:41:27.955 ::WinHttpCloseHandle() returning TRUE
00000192 30.20859909 [4012] 11:41:27.956 ::usr-req 002A1310 signals sync caller 00281268 (api = 3, error = ERROR_SUCCESS (0), # bytes = 2623)
00000193 30.20891380 [4012] 11:41:27.956 ::Indicate Status 0x2a1070, 0x0, WINHTTP_CALLBACK_STATUS_HANDLE_CLOSING (2048), 0x5b9f9d0 [0x2a1070], 4
00000194 30.20898819 [4012] 11:41:27.957 ::Indicate Status 0x288f80, 0x0, WINHTTP_CALLBACK_STATUS_HANDLE_CLOSING (2048), 0x5b9f99c [0x288f80], 4
00000195 30.22724915 [4012] cades.dll: (hCryptMsg=0x0027A380, dwSignatureIndex=0, ppCertificates=0x0020DCCC)
00000196 30.22755241 [4012] cades.dll: Exception thrown: _hr
00000197 30.23479271 [4012] cades.dll: COleException, m_sc=0x8009100f
00000198 30.23483658 [4012] cades.dll: (res=0, GetLastError=0x8009100f
00000199 30.24103546 [4012] cades.dll: #start#
00000200 30.24114609 [4012] cades.dll: #start#
00000201 30.31587219 [4012] cades.dll: #start#
00000202 30.31595993 [4012] cades.dll: #start#
00000203 30.31600952 [4012] cades.dll: #start#
00000204 30.31608009 [4012] cades.dll: #success#
00000205 30.31614685 [4012] cades.dll: #start#
00000206 30.31621552 [4012] cades.dll: #start#
00000207 30.31628227 [4012] cades.dll: #start#
00000208 30.31635094 [4012] cades.dll: #success#
00000209 30.31641579 [4012] cades.dll: #start#
00000210 30.31649208 [4012] cades.dll: #failure# HRESULT: (0x800b010a)
00000211 30.31656265 [4012] cades.dll: Unacceptable dwErrorStatus
00000212 30.31665421 [4012] cades.dll: Exception thrown: _hr
00000213 30.31813812 [4012] 11:41:28.066 ::WinHttpCloseHandle(0x288e98)
00000214 30.31821060 [4012] 11:41:28.066 ::winhttp-dll is shutting down
00000215 30.31832695 [4012] 11:41:28.066 ::Indicate Status 0x288e98, 0x0, WINHTTP_CALLBACK_STATUS_HANDLE_CLOSING (2048), 0x20d188 [0x288e98], 4
00000216 30.31839561 [4012] 11:41:28.066 ::WinHttpCloseHandle() returning TRUE
00000217 30.31857872 [4012] cades.dll: COleException, m_sc=0x800b010a
00000218 30.31869888 [4012] cades.dll: (res=0, GetLastError=0x800b010a
00000219 30.31875420 [4012] cades.dll: Expression FAILED: ::CadesMsgEnhanceSignature(msgDecode.GetHandle(), 0, &cadesSignPara)
00000220 30.31881714 [4012] cades.dll: Last win32 error thrown as exception
00000221 30.32141876 [4012] cades.dll: COleException, m_sc=0x800b010a
00000222 30.32143974 [4012] cades.dll: (res=0, GetLastError=0x800b010a