Ivanov-aa написал:приложите вывод теста контейнера
C:\Program Files\Crypto Pro\CSP>csptest.exe -tlsc -server zakupki.gov.ru -v
CSP (Type:75) v3.6.5357 KC1 Release Ver:3.6.6253 OS:Windows CPU:AMD64 FastCode:N
csptest.exe -tlsc -server zakupki.gov.ru -v
12 algorithms supported:
[0] 0x660e
[1] 0x6610
[2] 1.2.840.113549.3.4 (rc4)
[3] 1.2.840.113549.3.7 (3des)
[4] (des)
[5] 1.2.840.113549.2.5 (md5)
[6] (sha1)
[7] 1.2.840.113549.1.1.1 (RSA)
[8] 1.2.840.113549. (ESDH)
[9] 0xae06
[10] 1.2.840.10040.4.1 (DSA)
[11] 0x2203
Cipher strengths: 256..256
Supported protocols: 0xa0
Try call SetCredentialsAttributes, 000000000012FB20
ClientHello: RecordLayer: TLS, Len: 117
Cipher Suites: (00 35) (00 05) (c0 0a) (c0 13) (c0 14) (c0 09) (00 0a) (00 32) (
00 38) (00 13) (00 04) (00 80) (01 81) (00 00)
122 bytes of handshake data sent
1520 bytes of handshake data received
210 bytes of handshake data sent
31 bytes of handshake data received
Handshake was successful
SECPKG_ATTR_NAMES: E=info@onlanta.ru, C=RU, S=?. ??????, L=??????, O="??? ""????
???""", OU=?????? ?????????????? ????????????, G=??????? ?.?, SN=zakupki.gov.ru,
T=???????????? ???, CN=zakupki.gov.ru
Server certificate:
Subject: E=info@onlanta.ru, C=RU, S=?. ??????, L=??????, O="??? ""???????""", OU
=?????? ?????????????? ????????????, G=??????? ?.?, SN=zakupki.gov.ru, T=???????
????? ???, CN=zakupki.gov.ru
Valid : 03.10.2011 - 02.10.2012
Issuer : E=uuc_fk@roskazna.ru, STREET=??. ??????? ?.7, L=?. ??????, OID.1.2.840.
113549.1.9.2=?????? ?????????? ????????? ????? ???????????? ?? ????????? ???? ??
???? ??? CSP, C=RU, OU=?????????? ?????? ??????????? ? ???????????? ??????????,
O=??????????? ????????????, CN=?????????????? ?????????????? ????? ????????????
Error 0x80092013 ((unknown)) returned by CertVerifyCertificateChainPolicy!
**** Error authenticating server credentials!
Protocol: TLS1
Cipher: 0x661e
Cipher strength: 256
Hash: 0x801e
Hash strength: 256
Key exchange: 0xaa25
Key exchange strength: 512
Header: 5, Trailer: 4, MaxMessage: 16379
HTTP request: GET /default.htm HTTP/1.0
User-Agent: Webclient
Sending plaintext: 64 bytes
73 bytes of application data sent
2385 bytes of (encrypted) application data received
Reply status: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
An error occurred in running the program.
.\WebClient.c:1715:Bad HTTP status.
Error number 0x0 (0).
Операция успешно завершена.
Decrypted data: 331 bytes
Extra data: 2045 bytes
Decrypted data: 2036 bytes
No data in socket: OK if file is completely downloaded
HttpsGetFile: 0x00000194
An error occurred in running the program.
.\WebClient.c:492:Error fetching file from server.
Error number 0x194 (404).
Total: SYS: 0.031 sec USR: 0.031 sec UTC: 0.218 sec
[ErrorCode: 0x00000194]