Статус: Участник
Группы: Участники
Зарегистрирован: 25.01.2008(UTC) Сообщений: 29 Откуда: Moscow
IIS 7.5 ПО для проверки подписи: .net server + csp 4.0 При каждом запросе rest инициируется проверка подписи, при этом библиотека cades.dll грузится при каждом запросе по 10 секунд. Почему так может происходить и куда можно покопать для ускорения загрузки? Код:
00000001 0.00000000 [4496] Externs.cpp(33) : /Init/
00000002 0.00123380 [4496] CPSettings.cpp(305) : /Init/
00000003 0.00354400 [4496] Externs.cpp(33) : /Init/
00000004 0.00432600 [4496] CPSettings.cpp(305) : /Init/
00000005 0.00994650 [4496] Externs.cpp(33) : /Init/
00000006 0.01310440 [4496] CPSettings.cpp(305) : /Init/
00000007 0.01712890 [4496] cades.dll: {4032} /CCadesApp::InitInstance/ CadesApp.cpp(16) : hInstance=000000006A3A0000
00000008 0.01775380 [4496] cades.dll: {4032} /CadesMsgIsType/ CadesMsgIsType.cpp(76) : (hCryptMsg=0x00000000017CFBD0, dwSignatureIndex=0, dwCadesType=0x0000005d, pbResult=0x000000001531C688)
00000009 0.01804380 [4496] cades.dll: {4032} /CadesMsgGetType/ CadesMsgGetType.cpp(135) : (hCryptMsg=0x00000000017CFBD0, dwSignatureIndex=0, pdwCadesType=0x000000001531C4C0)
00000010 0.01845310 [4496] cades.dll: {4032} /CadesMsgGetType/ CadesMsgGetType.cpp(160) : (res=1, GetLastError=0x00000000
00000011 0.01876200 [4496] cades.dll: {4032} /CadesMsgIsType/ CadesMsgIsType.cpp(101) : (res=1, GetLastError=0x00000000
00000012 0.01905010 [4496] cades.dll: {4032} /CadesMsgIsType/ CadesMsgIsType.cpp(76) : (hCryptMsg=0x00000000017CFBD0, dwSignatureIndex=0, dwCadesType=0x00000005, pbResult=0x000000001531C688)
00000013 0.01929990 [4496] cades.dll: {4032} /CadesMsgGetType/ CadesMsgGetType.cpp(135) : (hCryptMsg=0x00000000017CFBD0, dwSignatureIndex=0, pdwCadesType=0x000000001531C4C0)
00000014 0.01963440 [4496] cades.dll: {4032} /CadesMsgGetType/ CadesMsgGetType.cpp(160) : (res=1, GetLastError=0x00000000
00000015 0.02074310 [4496] cades.dll: {4032} /CadesMsgIsType/ CadesMsgIsType.cpp(101) : (res=1, GetLastError=0x00000000
00000016 0.02105170 [4496] cades.dll: {4032} /CadesMsgIsType/ CadesMsgIsType.cpp(76) : (hCryptMsg=0x00000000017CFBD0, dwSignatureIndex=0, dwCadesType=0x00000001, pbResult=0x000000001531C688)
00000017 0.02133230 [4496] cades.dll: {4032} /CadesMsgGetType/ CadesMsgGetType.cpp(135) : (hCryptMsg=0x00000000017CFBD0, dwSignatureIndex=0, pdwCadesType=0x000000001531C4C0)
00000018 0.02192690 [4496] cades.dll: {4032} /CadesMsgGetType/ CadesMsgGetType.cpp(160) : (res=1, GetLastError=0x00000000
00000019 0.02220410 [4496] cades.dll: {4032} /CadesMsgIsType/ CadesMsgIsType.cpp(101) : (res=1, GetLastError=0x00000000
00000020 0.08001310 [4496] cades.dll: {4032} /CadesMsgVerifySignature/ cades.cpp(2038) : (hCryptMsg=0x00000000017CFBD0, dwSignatureIndex=0, pVerificationPara=0x000000001531C548), ppVerificationInfo=0x000000001531C538)
00000021 0.08026890 [4496] cades.dll: {4032} /CadesMsgVerifySignatureImpl/ cades.cpp(1769) : Input parameters checked
00000022 10.75821400 [4496] cades.dll: {4032} /CadesMsgVerifySignatureImplNamespace::VerifyMessageSignature/ cades.cpp(1666) : Signature verification started
00000023 10.75930405 [4496] cades.dll: {4032} /CadesMsgVerifySignatureImplNamespace::VerifyMessageSignature/ cades.cpp(1676) : Signature verified
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