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Подскажите пожалуйста, какой метод или какое свойство CAPICOM надо использовать, чтобы отследить просроченный сертификат и не наблюдать следующую ошибку при исполнении PHP-скрипта: Invoke() failed: Ошибка. Source: Unavailable Description: The signer’s certificate is not valid for signing | ||||
Ответы: | ||||
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Const CAPICOM_CHECK_NONE = 0 ’ No validity checking is done. Const CAPICOM_CHECK_TRUSTED_ROOT = 1 ’ Check for a trusted root of the certificate chain. Const CAPICOM_CHECK_TIME_VALIDITY = 2 ’ Check the time validity of all certificates in the chain. Const CAPICOM_CHECK_SIGNATURE_VALIDITY = 4 ’ Check for valid signatures on all certificates in the chain. Const CAPICOM_CHECK_ONLINE_REVOCATION_STATUS = 8 ’Check the revocation status of all certificates in the chain using CRLs available online. Const CAPICOM_CHECK_OFFLINE_REVOCATION_STATUS = 16 ’Check the revocation status of all certificates in the chain using any offline CRLs. Const CAPICOM_VERIFY_SIGNATURE_ONLY = 0 ’ Only the signature is checked. Const CAPICOM_VERIFY_SIGNATURE_AND_CERTIFICATE = 1 ’Both the signature and the validity of the certificate used to create the signature are checked. Const CAPICOM_TRUST_IS_NOT_TIME_VALID = 1 ’0x00000001 ’ The current date is not within a certificate’s valid period. Const CAPICOM_TRUST_IS_NOT_TIME_NESTED = 2 ’0x00000002 ’ The time validity of a certificate in the chain falls outside the time validity of one or more of its verifying certificates. Const CAPICOM_TRUST_IS_REVOKED = 4 ’0x00000004 ’ One or more of the certificates in the chain has been revoked. Const CAPICOM_TRUST_IS_NOT_SIGNATURE_VALID = 8 ’0x00000008 ’ One or more of the certificates in the chain does not have a valid signature. Const CAPICOM_TRUST_IS_NOT_VALID_FOR_USAGE = 16 ’0x00000010 ’ One or more of the certificates in the chain is not valid for its usage. Const CAPICOM_TRUST_IS_UNTRUSTED_ROOT = 32 ’0x00000020 ’ The root certificate of the chain is not trusted. Const CAPICOM_TRUST_REVOCATION_STATUS_UNKNOWN = 64 ’0x00000040 ’ The revocation status of one or more of the certificates in the chain cannot be determined. Const CAPICOM_TRUST_IS_CYCLIC = 128 ’0x00000080 ’ A certificate in the chain is used to certify a certificate that was used in its own certification. Const CAPICOM_TRUST_IS_PARTIAL_CHAIN = 65536 ’0x00010000 ’ The truest chain cannot be completed to a certificate in the Root store. Const CAPICOM_TRUST_CTL_IS_NOT_TIME_VALID = 131072 ’0x00020000 ’ The chain depends upon a CTL that is not time-valid. Const CAPICOM_TRUST_CTL_IS_NOT_SIGNATURE_VALID = 262144 ’ 0x00040000 ’ The chain depends upon a CTL that does not have a valid signature. Const CAPICOM_TRUST_CTL_IS_NOT_VALID_FOR_USAGE = 524288 ’0x00080000 ’ The chain depends upon a CTL that is not valid for its usage in the chain. Dim sSignedDoc, i Dim SignedData Dim Cert Dim Chain Dim Store Dim CertSign Dim SN, SNi Dim Signer SN = "198EF79200030000138F" Set Store = CreateObject("CAPICOM.Store") Set Signer = CreateObject("CAPICOM.Signer") Store.Open 2 For Each Cert In Store.Certificates SNi = Cert.SerialNumber If SNi = SN Then Set CertSign = Cert End If Next sSignedDoc = "Привет" Signature = "" Set SignedData = CreateObject("CAPICOM.SignedData") SignedData.Content = sSignedDoc Signer.Certificate = CertSign Signature = SignedData.Sign (Signer, False, 1) SignedData.Verify Signature, False, 1 If HandleError Then MsgBox "Verified error" else MsgBox "Verified OK" End If CertSign.IsValid.CheckFlag = CAPICOM_CHECK_TRUSTED_ROOT Or CAPICOM_CHECK_TIME_VALIDITY Or CAPICOM_CHECK_SIGNATURE_VALIDITY Or CAPICOM_CHECK_ONLINE_REVOCATION_STATUS Set Chain = CreateObject("CAPICOM.Chain") Chain.Build CertSign If Chain.Status <> 0 Then MsgBox "Cert Error" else MsgBox "Cert OK" End If | ||||