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Проблема появиласть в PocketPC 2003 / 2003SE. Данный ниже код не дешифрует зашифрованные им же файлы. На WinXP, Win2000, PocketPC2002 все работает нормально. Кто-нибудь с этим сталкивался? #ifndef __CRYPTDECRYPT_H__ #define __CRYPTDECRYPT_H__ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifdef _WIN32_WCE #define KEY_LENGTH_FLAG 0 #else #define KEY_LENGTH_FLAG (dwKeyLength << 16) class CEncryptDecryptException { public: CEncryptDecryptException(unsigned int uiErrcode, const TCHAR *pccMessage) { pm_uiErrcode = uiErrcode; pm_pccMessage = wcsdup(pccMessage); } CEncryptDecryptException(const TCHAR *pccMessage) { pm_uiErrcode = GetLastError(); pm_pccMessage = wcsdup(pccMessage); } ~CEncryptDecryptException() { if (pm_pccMessage) free((void *)pm_pccMessage); } CEncryptDecryptException(const CEncryptDecryptException &e) { pm_uiErrcode = e.pm_uiErrcode; pm_pccMessage = wcsdup(e.pm_pccMessage); } void ShowError() { LPVOID lpMsgBuf; FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL, pm_uiErrcode, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), // Default language (LPTSTR) &lpMsgBuf, 0, NULL); // Display the string. MessageBox( NULL, (LPCTSTR)lpMsgBuf, pm_pccMessage, MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION ); // Free the buffer. LocalFree( lpMsgBuf ); } private: unsigned int pm_uiErrcode; const TCHAR *pm_pccMessage; }; #endif ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void ShowError(unsigned int uiErrCode, const TCHAR *ptcTitle); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class CEncryptDecryptFile { public: CEncryptDecryptFile(); #ifdef _WIN32_WCE int Encrypt(const TCHAR *pccSource, const TCHAR *pccDestination, const TCHAR *pccPassword); #else void Encrypt(const TCHAR *pccSource, const TCHAR *pccDestination, const TCHAR *pccPassword); #endif #ifdef _WIN32_WCE int Decrypt(const TCHAR *pccSource, const TCHAR *pccDestination, const TCHAR *pccPassword); #else void Decrypt(const TCHAR *pccSource, const TCHAR *pccDestination, const TCHAR *pccPassword); #endif unsigned int getErrCode() {return uiErrCode;} private: const TCHAR *pccErrMessage; unsigned int uiErrCode; FILE *hSrcFile, *hDestFile; HCRYPTPROV hProv; HCRYPTHASH hHash; HCRYPTKEY hKey, hXchgKey; #ifdef ARM __unaligned PBYTE pbBuffer, pbKeyBlob; #else PBYTE pbBuffer, pbKeyBlob; #endif BOOL bEOF; DWORD dwCount, dwKeyBlobLen, dwKeyLength; CEncryptDecrypt(const CEncryptDecryptFile &); BOOL pmSetKeyParams(HCRYPTKEY hKey); void Init(); }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #endif //---------------------------------- #include "StdAfx.h" #include "cryptdecrypt.h" ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define BLOCK_SIZE 1000 #define BUFFER_SIZE (BLOCK_SIZE + 64) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void ShowError(unsigned int uiErrCode, const TCHAR *ptcTitle) { LPVOID lpMsgBuf; FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL, uiErrCode, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), // Default language (LPTSTR) &lpMsgBuf, 0, NULL); // Display the string. MessageBox( NULL, (LPCTSTR)lpMsgBuf, ptcTitle, MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION ); // Free the buffer. LocalFree( lpMsgBuf ); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CEncryptDecryptFile::Init() { hSrcFile = hDestFile = NULL; hProv = 0; hHash = 0; hKey = hXchgKey = 0; pbBuffer = pbKeyBlob = NULL; bEOF = 0; pccErrMessage = NULL; uiErrCode = 0; dwKeyLength = 40; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CEncryptDecryptFile::CEncryptDecryptFile() { } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifdef _WIN32_WCE int CEncryptDecryptFile::Encrypt(const TCHAR *pccSource, const TCHAR *pccDestination, const TCHAR *pccPassword) #else void CEncryptDecryptFile::Encrypt(const TCHAR *pccSource, const TCHAR *pccDestination, const TCHAR *pccPassword) #endif { Init(); // Open the source file. if ((hSrcFile = _wfopen (pccSource, L"rb")) == NULL) { uiErrCode = GetLastError(); pccErrMessage = L"Open input file"; goto exit; } // Open the destination file. if ((hDestFile = _wfopen (pccDestination, L"wb")) == NULL) { uiErrCode = GetLastError(); pccErrMessage = L"Open output file"; goto exit; } // Get the handle to the default provider. if (!CryptAcquireContext (&hProv, NULL, MS_DEF_PROV, PROV_RSA_FULL, 0)) { uiErrCode = GetLastError(); if (uiErrCode != NTE_BAD_KEYSET) { pccErrMessage = L"Error during CryptAcquireContext!"; goto exit; } else { if (!CryptAcquireContext (&hProv, NULL, MS_DEF_PROV, PROV_RSA_FULL, CRYPT_NEWKEYSET)) { uiErrCode = GetLastError(); pccErrMessage = L"Error during CryptAcquireContext!"; goto exit; } } } if (pccPassword == NULL) { // Encrypt the file with a random session key. // Create a random session key. if (!CryptGenKey(hProv, CALG_RC2, CRYPT_EXPORTABLE | KEY_LENGTH_FLAG, &hKey)) { uiErrCode = GetLastError(); pccErrMessage = L"Error during CryptGenKey!"; goto exit; } // Get the handle to the key exchange public key. if (!CryptGetUserKey(hProv, AT_KEYEXCHANGE, &hXchgKey)) { uiErrCode = GetLastError(); if (uiErrCode != NTE_NO_KEY) { pccErrMessage = L"Error during CryptGetUserKey!"; goto exit; } // Create the key. if (!CryptGenKey(hProv,AT_KEYEXCHANGE, KEY_LENGTH_FLAG, &hXchgKey)) { uiErrCode = GetLastError(); pccErrMessage = L"Error during CryptGenKey For KeyXchange!"; goto exit; } } // Determine the size of the key BLOB and allocate memory. if (!CryptExportKey(hKey, hXchgKey, SIMPLEBLOB, 0, NULL, &dwKeyBlobLen)) { uiErrCode = GetLastError(); pccErrMessage = L"Error computing blob length!"; goto exit; } if ((pbKeyBlob = (PBYTE)malloc(dwKeyBlobLen))==NULL) { uiErrCode = GetLastError(); pccErrMessage = L"Out of memory!"; goto exit; } // Export the session key into a simple key BLOB. if (!CryptExportKey (hKey, hXchgKey, SIMPLEBLOB, 0, pbKeyBlob, &dwKeyBlobLen)) { uiErrCode = GetLastError(); pccErrMessage = L"Error during CryptExportKey!"; goto exit; } // Write the size of key BLOB to the destination file. fwrite (&dwKeyBlobLen, sizeof (DWORD), 1, hDestFile); uiErrCode = GetLastError(); if (ferror (hDestFile)) { pccErrMessage = L"Error writing header!"; goto exit; } // Write the key BLOB to the destination file. fwrite (pbKeyBlob, 1, dwKeyBlobLen, hDestFile); uiErrCode = GetLastError(); if (ferror (hDestFile)) { pccErrMessage = L"Error writing header!"; goto exit; } } else { // Encrypt the file with a session key derived from a password. // Create a hash object. if (!CryptCreateHash (hProv, CALG_MD5, 0, 0, &hHash)) { uiErrCode = GetLastError(); pccErrMessage = L"Error during CryptCreateHash!"; goto exit; } // Hash in the password data. if (!CryptHashData (hHash, (PBYTE)pccPassword, wcslen(pccPassword) * sizeof(pccPassword[0]), 0)) { uiErrCode = GetLastError(); pccErrMessage = L"Error during CryptHashData!"; goto exit; } // Derive a session key from the hash object. if (!CryptDeriveKey (hProv, CALG_RC2, hHash, CRYPT_EXPORTABLE|KEY_LENGTH_FLAG|CRYPT_NO_SALT, &hKey)) { uiErrCode = GetLastError(); pccErrMessage = L"Error during CryptDeriveKey!"; goto exit; } } // Allocate memory. // XXX: Changed: if ((pbBuffer=(PBYTE)malloc(dwKeyBlobLen))==NULL) // C_ASSERT(BUFFER_SIZE > BLOCK_SIZE): if ((pbBuffer=(PBYTE)malloc(BUFFER_SIZE)) == NULL) { uiErrCode = GetLastError(); pccErrMessage = L"Out of memory!"; goto exit; } if (!pmSetKeyParams(hKey)) { uiErrCode = GetLastError(); pccErrMessage = L"Error during setting key parameters!"; goto exit; } // Encrypt the source file and write to the destination file. do { // Read up to BLOCK_SIZE bytes from the source file. dwCount = fread (pbBuffer, 1, BLOCK_SIZE, hSrcFile); uiErrCode = GetLastError(); if (ferror (hSrcFile)) { pccErrMessage = L"Error reading Plaintext!"; goto exit; } bEOF = (feof(hSrcFile) != 0); // Encrypt the data. if (!CryptEncrypt (hKey, 0, bEOF, 0, pbBuffer, &dwCount, BUFFER_SIZE)) { uiErrCode = GetLastError(); pccErrMessage = L"Error during CryptEncrypt!"; goto exit; } // Write the data to the destination file. fwrite (pbBuffer, 1, dwCount, hDestFile); uiErrCode = GetLastError(); if (ferror (hDestFile)) { pccErrMessage = L"Error writing Ciphertext!"; goto exit; } } while (!bEOF); exit: // Close the files. if (hSrcFile) fclose (hSrcFile); if (hDestFile) fclose (hDestFile); // Free memory. if (pbKeyBlob) free (pbKeyBlob); if (pbBuffer) free (pbBuffer); // Destroy the session key. if (hKey) CryptDestroyKey (hKey); // Release the key exchange key handle. if (hXchgKey) CryptDestroyKey (hXchgKey); // Destroy the hash object. if (hHash) CryptDestroyHash (hHash); // Release the provider handle. if (hProv) CryptReleaseContext (hProv, 0); if (pccErrMessage) #ifdef _WIN32_WCE return -1; else return 0; #else throw CEncryptDecryptException(uiErrCode,pccErrMessage); #endif } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifdef _WIN32_WCE int CEncryptDecryptFile::Decrypt(const TCHAR *pccSource, const TCHAR *pccDestination, const TCHAR *pccPassword) #else void CEncryptDecryptFile::Decrypt(const TCHAR *pccSource, const TCHAR *pccDestination, const TCHAR *pccPassword) #endif { Init(); // Open the source file. if ((hSrcFile = _wfopen (pccSource, L"rb")) == NULL) { uiErrCode = GetLastError(); pccErrMessage = L"Error opening Ciphertext file!"; goto exit; } // Open the destination file. if ((hDestFile = _wfopen (pccDestination, L"wb")) == NULL) { uiErrCode = GetLastError(); pccErrMessage = L"Error opening Plaintext file!"; goto exit; } // Get the handle to the default provider. if (!CryptAcquireContext (&hProv, NULL, NULL, PROV_RSA_FULL, 0)) { uiErrCode = GetLastError(); if (uiErrCode != NTE_BAD_KEYSET) { pccErrMessage = L"Error during CryptAcquireContext!"; goto exit; } else { if (!CryptAcquireContext (&hProv, NULL, NULL, PROV_RSA_FULL, CRYPT_NEWKEYSET)) { uiErrCode = GetLastError(); pccErrMessage = L"Error during CryptAcquireContext!"; goto exit; } } } if (pccPassword == NULL) { // Decrypt the file with the saved session key. // Read key BLOB length from the source file and allocate memory. fread (&dwKeyBlobLen, sizeof (DWORD), 1, hSrcFile); uiErrCode = GetLastError(); if (ferror (hSrcFile) || feof (hSrcFile)) { pccErrMessage = L"Error reading file header!"; goto exit; } if ((pbKeyBlob = (PBYTE)malloc (dwKeyBlobLen)) == NULL) { uiErrCode = GetLastError(); pccErrMessage = L"Out of memory or improperly formatted source"; goto exit; } // Read the key BLOB from source file. fread (pbKeyBlob, 1, dwKeyBlobLen, hSrcFile); uiErrCode = GetLastError(); if (ferror (hSrcFile) || feof (hSrcFile)) { pccErrMessage = L"Error reading file header!"; goto exit; } // Import the key BLOB into the CSP. if (!CryptImportKey(hProv, pbKeyBlob, dwKeyBlobLen, 0, 0, &hKey)) { uiErrCode = GetLastError(); pccErrMessage = L"Error during CryptImportKey!"; goto exit; } } else { // Decrypt the file with a session key derived from a password. // Create a hash object. if (!CryptCreateHash (hProv, CALG_MD5, 0, 0, &hHash)) { uiErrCode = GetLastError(); pccErrMessage = L"Error during CryptCreateHash!"; goto exit; } // Hash in the password data. if (!CryptHashData (hHash, (PBYTE)pccPassword, wcslen(pccPassword) * sizeof(pccPassword[0]), 0)) { uiErrCode = GetLastError(); pccErrMessage = L"Error during CryptHashData!"; goto exit; } // Derive a session key from the hash object. if (!CryptDeriveKey (hProv, CALG_RC2, hHash, KEY_LENGTH_FLAG|CRYPT_NO_SALT, &hKey)) { uiErrCode = GetLastError(); pccErrMessage = L"Error during CryptDeriveKey!"; goto exit; } } if (!pmSetKeyParams(hKey)) { uiErrCode = GetLastError(); pccErrMessage = L"Error during setting key parameters!"; goto exit; } // Allocate memory. if ((pbBuffer = (PBYTE)malloc (BUFFER_SIZE)) == NULL) { uiErrCode = GetLastError(); pccErrMessage = L"Out of memory!"; goto exit; } // Decrypt the source file and write to the destination file. do { // Read up to BLOCK_SIZE bytes from the source file. dwCount = fread(pbBuffer, 1, BLOCK_SIZE, hSrcFile); uiErrCode = GetLastError(); if (ferror(hSrcFile)) { pccErrMessage = L"Error reading Ciphertext!"; goto exit; } bEOF = (feof(hSrcFile) != 0); // Decrypt the data. if (!CryptDecrypt (hKey, 0, bEOF, 0, pbBuffer, &dwCount)) { uiErrCode = GetLastError(); pccErrMessage = L"Error during CryptDecrypt!"; goto exit; } // Write the data to the destination file. fwrite (pbBuffer, 1, dwCount, hDestFile); uiErrCode = GetLastError(); if (ferror(hDestFile)) { pccErrMessage = L"Error writing Plaintext!"; goto exit; } } while (!bEOF); exit: // Close the source files. if (hSrcFile) fclose (hSrcFile); if (hDestFile) fclose (hDestFile); // Free memory. if (pbKeyBlob) free (pbKeyBlob); if (pbBuffer) free (pbBuffer); // Destroy the session key. if (hKey) CryptDestroyKey (hKey); // Destroy the hash object. if (hHash) CryptDestroyHash (hHash); // Release the provider handle. if (hProv) CryptReleaseContext (hProv, 0); if (pccErrMessage) #ifdef _WIN32_WCE return -1; else return 0; #else throw CEncryptDecryptException(uiErrCode,pccErrMessage); #endif } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOL CEncryptDecryptFile::pmSetKeyParams(HCRYPTKEY hKey) { if (!CryptSetKeyParam(hKey, KP_EFFECTIVE_KEYLEN, (BYTE *)&dwKeyLength, 0)) return FALSE; return TRUE; } | ||||
Ответы: | ||||
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Вообще-то разбираться в отличии работы на разных платформах 14кб чужого кода не самая легкая (и не самая интересная) задача... Мб Вы предоставите более подробную информацию - что именно не работает, код ошибки и т.д.? | ||||
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Уже нашел ошибку. Прошу не беспокоиться :) | ||||